Category Is:

Review: Small Joys

Review: Small Joys

Elvin James Mensah’s Small Joys is a poignant chronicle of friendship, mental illness, and the power of human connection.

Review: Ander & Santi Were Here

Review: Ander & Santi Were Here

Jonny Garza Villa’s Ander & Santi Were Here is a powerful love story that will leave you swooning and thinking about the meaning of home.

Review: Idol Minds

Review: Idol Minds

KT Salvo’s Idol Minds rises above the steamy gay romance genre with its complex characters, open communication, and healing narrative.

Review: Hijab Butch Blues

Review: Hijab Butch Blues

Lamya H’s Hijab Butch Blues is a powerful and life-affirming story of coming-of-age and self-discovery.

Review: Broken Valley

Review: Broken Valley

Owen Lach’s Broken Valley is a captivating queer science fiction tale that blends clever world-building, breathless action, and thoughtful, compelling relationships.