Jack’s on Fire is a charming, triumphant tale of a queer boy’s journey to find acceptance, community, and love.
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YAReview: Dreams Bigger Than Heartbreak
Dreams Bigger Than Heartbreak is a dreamy, captivating, queer sci-fi tale about fellowship and acceptance.
Korey’s Fave Queer & Trans Science Fiction Books for 2022
I love reading sci-f and fantasy books by and about queer and trans people and characters. Here are some of my recent queer and trans faves that I read in 2022.
Review: All That’s Left in the World
All That’s Left in the World is a touching, earnest story of young, queer love in a post-apocalyptic world.
Review: The City of Dusk
Tara Sim’s The City of Dusk is a broad, dark tale set in a fanciful realm with an energetic, youthful cast.
Review: Iron Widow
Iron Widow is a tense, dramatic tale of overcoming war, disability, and patriarchal oppression set in a fascinating world filled with giant robots and monsters.